
my muse of the day...

My muse. She (a-muses) me each and every day. She had such joy in her this afternoon. I think it was the unseasonal warm weather that gave her a bit more hip to her hop. She wanted me to chase her so I indulged...it was great!
Did you vote today? I did first thing this morning and would you believe I FORGOT to go to Starbucks for my free java???? How could I????
I'll be busy over the next couple of days getting a couple orders done and on their way to some special lovelies. Can you believe I had an order yesterday from someone all the way in Ireland??? It feels so cool knowing someone so far away actually wanted something I make! I'm truly touched by each and every sale I make...so THANK YOU!!!
I'm trying to re-photograph most of the things in my shop. I only did a couple of shots today and it was sooooo time consuming...yikes, any pros out there that want to do this for me???
Ok. I'm off to get the girlies to bed....night!


Kristen said...

I think you were on to something when you posted..."I'm feeling full of hope today...I just know something BIG is going to happen for us someday soon...I can feel it!"
Girl...it's happening.

i love plum said...

so glad you're feeling it too! you're an amazing girl so i believe big things are in store for you!!! xo

Anonymous said...

S. is so beautiful. Love that second photo.

Ireland!! That is very cool.

I could do your photos but that would be time consuming, shipping back and forth. Besides, you're good with the camera. ??