
I'm almost feeling 100%.
This is good considering while down and out I've wanted to NOTHING! The creative juices are starting to flow again and the timing couldn't be better. With Christmas just around the corner I've got a ton to do! I'm pretty sure my dreams of making many of my own gifts may have to be put to the wayside. Trying to keep my shop loaded with fun new treats is proving to be a bit of a challenge...things just seem to take me FORevA!
I've GOT to start cleaning...It's going to break my heart to have to break down my 'office' to make my Dining room actually look like a Dining room again. It's all good though. It really needs to be done and this way I can get a handle on what exactly I have in stock. There's thread ALL over the floor, scraps, paper, pins. You wouldn't know there is actually a table beneath all the el-crappo piled on top...it's just b.a.d!
I guess my plans for the day are getting out of control because not only do I want to clean, I want to start cooking. HA! We'll see how much I actually get done. I can be very hard on myself if I don't DO exactly what I want to do. My adrenalin will need to kick it into high gear if I want a fighting chance on succeeding. Who thinks like this...anyone? Anyone?
OK...off to list my new goods. Have a great day!

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