
dis and dat...

There will be some HUGE deals going on on Monday and if you're looking for something unique and most likely handmade you've got to make a point to stop here!

NEW in the shop...



Rocket Sock Monkey Surfs...
(this guy was made for an order but he came out oh so cute :)

We're putting a new roof and trim on our house...Craig spent all day on Thanksgiving working on it...the girls wanted to go up and visit and enjoy the view. Stella is just being plain old cute per usual...the paci has GOT to go (and will soon enough)! The pinafore is from this shop on etsy...she's got the best stuff!



Gobble, Gobble, Thanks!

I am thankful for so much, everyday.
I don't need a special day to recognize how lucky a girl I really am.
I'm reminded every night when my exhausted husband comes home with a twinkle in his eye and tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me.
I'm reminded every time I overhear Zoe talking to her friends saying 'well, my Mom told me to always believe in myself and magic will happen'...she really listens!
I'm reminded with each hug, cuddle and kiss I give and get from my little ladies.
I love my family and my family loves me.
I have great friends.
I love my dog...she's loyal and keeps us safe when Craig isn't home. Dog slobber and all.
We have a lovely home with a lot of blood, sweat and tears put into it...which makes it even more lovely.
Did I mention we have great families? They are the best!
I'm grateful for having discovered my creative niche and going for it.
Etsy, I love you.
I love my little town I live in.
I love our military who keeps us safe.
I love the USA.
Coffee is my friend.
Chocolate too.
I'm grateful for you!

LOVE Rue's pic!

Ruby's Sun Bread...

My great find at TJ!!!

LOVE them!

LOOK...my office :) It's clean, not one lick of fabric!

Can't wait to get these beauties...must.stop.buying.fabric.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I love you!


I'm almost feeling 100%.
This is good considering while down and out I've wanted to NOTHING! The creative juices are starting to flow again and the timing couldn't be better. With Christmas just around the corner I've got a ton to do! I'm pretty sure my dreams of making many of my own gifts may have to be put to the wayside. Trying to keep my shop loaded with fun new treats is proving to be a bit of a challenge...things just seem to take me FORevA!
I've GOT to start cleaning...It's going to break my heart to have to break down my 'office' to make my Dining room actually look like a Dining room again. It's all good though. It really needs to be done and this way I can get a handle on what exactly I have in stock. There's thread ALL over the floor, scraps, paper, pins. You wouldn't know there is actually a table beneath all the el-crappo piled on top...it's just b.a.d!
I guess my plans for the day are getting out of control because not only do I want to clean, I want to start cooking. HA! We'll see how much I actually get done. I can be very hard on myself if I don't DO exactly what I want to do. My adrenalin will need to kick it into high gear if I want a fighting chance on succeeding. Who thinks like this...anyone? Anyone?
OK...off to list my new goods. Have a great day!



LOOK what came in the mail for me yesterday!!!! I was dying to post this yesterday but couldn't get around to it with my house full of little girlies!!! I did a swap with some other lovely ladies in blog land...all initiated by Crystal over at this blog. I was lucky enough to swap with Lori an amazing gal from Arkansas. Go check out her fun blog!!! She knew just what to choose for me... I LOVE everything!!!! xoxoxo to you LORI!!!

Got some orders filled and I'm partial to this...

and this...

and this.

Production completed...check.


this is what happens when you have a severe addiction to fabrics


They came in the mail today :) I can't wait to play!!!



WHAT is wrong with me?

I've had this nasty cough for going on two weeks now. I had told Craig that if it weren't better by this Monday I'd call about it...He complained that my coughing was interfering with him watching the tube. Don't think he's a jerk...he's not, it WAS/IS annoying! Well last night I had a fever and went to bed at 8:30 with the kiddos. I actually had a pretty good nights sleep! I thought for sure that was all I needed. I sucked it up and went to the Dr. this morning and found out that I have pneumonia. Are you kidding me? She wanted to do chest X-rays (which I nixed since the last time I had an MRI it was like $1200 :O). She prescribed an antibiotic and some inhaler thing (I didn't fill the script for the inhaler...not necessary).
So, I get home and just to attest to my craziness....
Instead of doing this...
I did this...

and some laundry (which there is no WAY I'm going to show you). I just can't relax if things aren't a certain way. Toys have to be picked up. Dishes done. Laundry in the works. Floors vacuumed. Please tell me I'm not the only one!

I've got to get better fast...I've got no energy and lovely orders to fill. It's so hard doing anything when you feel like your coughing up a lung and your go get-em attitude is hidden behind a Puff's Plus tissue. Ewww.

Hopefully I'll be posting some treats from the shop later...we'll see. SLOW DOWN, RELAX and TAKE IT EASY are not in my vocabulary.


I'm sick...

and going to the Dr. in the morning.
While doing a little surfing at some of my favorite online shops I found this and I REALLY love it! If you like it too you can find it here. They have THE best stuff!
Hopefully I'll be up to doing a real post tomorrow.







lotus blossom
Got some cuties made for the shop today!
What's going on with moi...
I'm still coughing like crazy as are Zoe, Ruby and Stella. It's disgusting and totally un-ladylike! I think by the time I'm rid of this nastiness I'll have a six-pack for abs :)
I haven't even begun Christmas shopping!!! I'm hoping to make many of my gifts but in reality I don't know if I can get it all done in time.
An old friend of mine asked if I'd be willing to do an 'i love plum' party at her house....I was flattered and thought what a brilliant idea, how could I refuse? I'm both excited and nervous at the same time...it's on December 7th, so just around the corner!
I've joined a team on etsy! I'm now on the EtsyMom Street Team. I'm super psyched about having a support system and a go-to place for all my little questions!
I'll try and post again later...may or may not happen...so check back just in case!


In the midst of doing the dishes (my dishes in my kitchen). Miss Thang wanted to get her groove on and got all dolled up to do so. Don't you just love the cow tail sticking out WAY above the butt line :) Yeah, the paci has GOT to GO but like her sister's I'll wait until she's 3. I tried rotating the darn thing but it wouldn't take. The quality is also less than great but I still love the way this kid moves. Got to love her fancy footwork and her beautiful ballerina arms.



sweets, sneak, sacked and new...

I don't know why the quality of these top pix are so bad...maybe I had it on the wrong setting when shooting...hmmmm.
Stella and I made these snowball cakes yesterday and I had laid them on the table to rest. I turned my back for one second, ONE and Miss Sweet Tooth already had her tongue poised for action.
A couple of hours later she was sacked...so cute!

this was today's nap...
New in the shop....

I feel like I'm running out of time...like time is my enemy. I have to work hard at not getting too overwhelmed. There's so much I want to do WHILE doing all the things I HAVE to do! Ever feel like that?


It's taking me sooo long...

to get anything done today!!!
I can't seem to get out of my own way and things that usually take me seconds to do are dragggging on forever! However. I did manage to make these cuties...

more later (hopefully ;)