
ho hummmm.....

this is what's doin' around here today
miss sicky-mcsicker napping with her buddy on the couch
and mr i.am.in.lurve.with.you napping on my bed
wish i could freakin' relax!
(i don't think i know how)
the end



allow me to translate:
zoe ~ albert einstein
stella ~ a horse that kept falling asleep (i don't know where the head is)
ruby ~ ummmmm, a ghost?  (ruby was happy she didn't have to 'be seen' in any pictures)
they had fun
they got a ton of loot
nobody froze
we were done in an hour and a half
i ate junior mints
the end.


if you give a baby dinosaur a cheerrio...

if you give a baby dinosaur a cheerrio
chances are he'll go to great lengths to get another one.
he'll push the chairs out from the kitchen table-
which will remind him
 how you were sitting there this morning eating something tasty in a bowl
 and how you so sweetly gave him just one to taste-
he'll look around and won't know you're watching
because if you're watching you won't be paying attention to the dishes you're doing
and if you're not paying attention to the dishes you are doing
chances are he could casually make his way up without you noticing.
and if you didn't notice then 
just maybe 
he could get said cheerrio
that's been left
and when he gets said cheerrio
it'll remind him that 
it was you who gave him that tasty bite this morning
and that's when he'll realize
he's on top of the kitchen table
while you're watching-
if you give a baby dinosaur a cheerrio 
chances are 
he'll do what he has to do to get another one-
getting caught be damned ;0

*based loosely on the if you give a mouse a cookie book


clowning around...

dogs:  have been bolting every time they see a squirrel...for the second day in a row they broke free from me when i was walking them and they were gone for a good hour.  when they finally showed up they smelled horrific!  i tried to get the bad boys into the tub to no avail.  they've been on lock-down since.  dad will have to wash them when he gets home (he'll be psyched).  despite my best efforts my house smells like a barn.
ruby:  i got home a little early from work last night and was able to see the girls before they went to sleep.       ruby said : 'mom, the kids asked me why i had to stay back in second grade' me: 'yeah?  what did you tell them?'  ruby:  'that my mom said it was the perfect place for me'  me:  'that's a great answer ruby!  do you feel like it's the perfect place for you?'  ruby:  'yes but can i skip third grade' :)



senior pix...

my friend asked me if i'd take her son's 
senior pix
i was flattered to say the least
i was a nervous wreck
woke  up way too early second guessing myself
i'd never taken 'pro' pix before
i'm pretty darn happy with how they came out!
these two made my first time super easy
what good kids
hope they like!


the 'it' girl...

happy tuesday!


the 72 buick...

i wish i could say this beauty was ours
it's a 72 buick gran sport
with a 455 motor
to me that means nothing other than the fact that 
i was two when this car came out
and that the motor is 455lbs ;)
craig's dad is restoring this girl
the body still needs work but the interior is almost done
while i was at work saturday 
craig and the girls cruised hampton 
pretending the car was theirs
eating fried dough
and getting big thumbs up by all the spectators
who wished the car was theirs too


morning light...

ooooooooo, cooolio!



baby boo
i love you!
ps...i'm 9mths old!!!



when making it to the end of the balance beam
by yourself is 


apple bottom girls...

apple picking 
on a perfect fall day
is the best!


wedding (it's all in the details)...

 we went to bre & nate's wedding this past weekend
unbelievably the weather cooperated after rain was predicted
 even if it poured not a detail would have been lost
i didn't know where to look first
my eyes savoring this little slice of heaven on earth
dive in
you'll be lost too
congrats guys!



last days of summahhhh....

we're soaking up the last days of summer
pretty soon the frogs and toads will say sayonara until next year
this poor guy endured quite the manhandling yesterday
he was the biggest one caught so far 
miss ruby just didn't want to let him go
don't worry
we did!
frog expressions from left to right:
1.  aaaaaaaahhhhhh.  get me outta here!
2.  now i'm getting pissed (you see the scrunch in his eyes too don't you?)
3.  this is it?  this is my life?  don't i get a last supper?  (he's frowning, poor guy)

we went to a fabulous wedding last night...
photos tomorrow!


day 2...

today was the first day with all three at the same school
my brown eyed girl had a better day today 
and miss s gave it a big thumbs up
i could hear her whispering to herself all day long
'i love school, i love school'
this will be zoe's last year at this wonderful school
we are so lucky to have this tiny private like public school in our itty bitty town
now bring on the apples, pumpkins and pie!


day 1...

i watched with desperation
as she fell back inside herself
becoming as tiny as she could
a heart shattered 
a soul stamped on
sounds of children all around laughing
surrounding her
as she fell 
deeper and deeper

as a mother you want to protect your children from everything, everyone.  you want to take on their pain, their worries, their insecurities, their anxieties so that perhaps you free them so they can just be a kid.  i so wanted to see my girl laugh with her friends this morning as i dropped her off at school.  i wanted them to surround her and hug her and tell her that no matter what they've got her back.  i wanted to see excitement in her big brown eyes and with it the belief that this would be her year to shine.  alas, none of that happened.  i don't know how i allowed this fantasy to even enter my mind.  i know how cruel children can be without them even realizing it.  i felt her pain deeper than i've ever felt any pain.  my heart shredded.  my stomach in knots.   it's taking all i have not to drive back to the school, scoop her up in my arms, hug her and tell her this is all just a bad dream....